Saturday, December 4, 2010

Higher Snowfall Totals Expected!

The snow is coming down like crazy everyone!! And the heavy bands have moved into the WLFI viewing area!! This means that we are going to see higher snow amounts then forecast last night! I was calling for 1" to 3" with patchy four inches in areas. However now most areas will be closer to that 3" to 6" inch range do to this heavy band moving over the WLFI viewing area. Take a look at all the dark blue colors in this radar image below.
And this snow is going to continue through out today! Lafayette, has already picked up 3" inches at this time. Again most around around 3" to 6" inches is looking VERY likely!
Current Snowfall Totals.
Attica, 5.0" Inches.
Kentland, 3.2" Inches
Lafayette, 3.0" Inches.
Frankfort 2.0" Inches.
Now I took a melted core sample this morning and with Lafayette's 3" Inches of snow it melts down to 0.02" Inches of water. Usually one tenth inch of rain / water makes one inch of snow! So these two tenths of an inch should only be two inches of snow on the ground, And this is what messes up our expected snowfall totals and why I made them even higher this morning. So because we have three inches of snow with only 0.02" Inches of water means that this is SUCH a light fluffy snow that we can expect more out of it.
So 3" to 6" Inches through out most of the WLFI viewing area!

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