Saturday, June 12, 2010

Radar Image At 7:17pm, Things Are Looking Good As The Strong Line Moves Off To Our East!!

As you can see the strong line of severe storms, aka the ones that caused all the problems are now moving out of the WLFI viewing area thank goodness! Now all we have to worry about is some light to moderate rainfall through out this evening. But that's just fine with me. Now we do have some flooding threats around the area! And we do still have that flood warning in effect for north western Benton, county! This will be your biggest threat for tonight if you live in the Benton, county area. Otherwise things are looking good for the rest of us. Just light to moderate rainfall and maybe a few more thundershowers could be possible. But the severe line as you can see above is moving off to our east north east!
I'll check back again if needed!

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