Now.......... It is the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! :) We all love the weekend lol And I look for a rather nice weekend at that! Take a look at this map I put together below.You can see I'M going to keep our area mostly dry today! We do still have that slight chance for a quick light shower however for the most part I think we look pretty good! Areas to our south and then west will have the best chances for more rain around another quarter to maybe a half inch possible. Us however I would keep around a Tenth inch if we where to see any rain. And then Sunday you may want to think about getting out the sun screen do to all the SUNNY SKIES I'M calling for! :)Yes, I look for a high around 79* to 80* degrees and lots of clear blue skies! Who cannot love that right??
We will be watching later next week for yet another chance at some heavier rainfall and possible thunderstorms. Next week we will have more widespread chances for rain and thunder. We will all be here and ready to go as usual! ;o) As we are heading into the Summer months we will be on top of anything that Mother nature throws our way! In Indiana that is just the way we do things.......... We stay on top and keep each other updated! That is what makes Indiana A GREAT place to live!
Believe it or not my sisters birthday is coming up in three days! I already got her a little something although she deserves so much more! She is a wonderful person and one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. She is talented in so many ways and always has a smile on her face! Still we are brother and sister and I as any brother have do give her a hard time every now and then. And still to this day when I get out of line she gives me a smack upside the head lol. You think I would learn by now!?! Hummmmmmmmm :) lol.....
Have a great weekend everybody! I will see you all here again Monday!
Until then thanks for reading....................
Looks like rain is starting to cross the IL, IN state line, are we going to get any of that?
Pouring in Laf. huge drops, and some thunder, A friend who lives near Pine village reported heavy rain and alot of thunder
Teri in laf
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